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Fundamentals of CHL Shooting 202


Have you already taken a CHL class online or in a classroom but want some range time?  Then this is the class for you!  Fundamentals of CHL Shooting was designed as a range-based next step for any classroom or online concealed handgun course.  This class focuses on handgun shooting fundamentals critical for accuracy and effectiveness, but also has extra CHL related skills such as drawing from a holster and shooting around obstacles.​

Please Note: This course is done entirely at the range.  Completion of this course alone is not enough to apply for a Concealed Handgun License.
Class Requirements:

  • Semi-automatic pistol or revolver (Whichever you would normally carry)
  • At least 200 rounds of factory ammunition
  • Eye and Ear Protection (Mandatory on range)
  • Case for your firearm
  • Ballcap (Recommended)
  • Closed-toe shoes, no low-cut shirts
  • ​​Water/hydration course
  • Signed and filled out liability waiver (See below)
  • Proper fitting belt holster for your handgun


Recommended Equipment:​

  • Kneepads (if you have trouble kneeling on the ground comfortably)
  • Body armor

PLEASE NOTE: This course requires a signed Liability Waiver


Approximate Length: 2.5 hrs
(Course is done entirely at the range)
*​Classes may run longer or shorter based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to class size.


Class Format

  • In Person: The class is held in person at one of our training sites.
  • You will be contacted prior to the day of the class with the range location, if it is not listed during signup.


The Fundamentals of CHL Shooting course is a live fire class that focuses on laying the skills foundation necessary for accuracy and effectiveness if you ever have to draw and use a concealed firearm.  The entire course takes place at the range and students get practical experience with a variety of techniques and exercises.  It is basically the same course as our live fire CHL courses, except this course omits the classroom lecture portions and focuses entirely on shooting skills at the range.  We set out to put together a class that covers important technical aspects of using a concealed firearm so that students are properly informed and prepared, not only to carry their CHL firearm, but also to be safe and effective while doing it. We highly recommend this course for anyone looking to get actual hands on training after taking an online or classroom concealed handgun course.  Please note that completion of this course alone is not enough to apply for a Concealed Handgun License.  However we do offer other CHL classes that do satisfy the training requirement for application.

NOTE: This class does not meet the requirements for a Concealed Handgun License, but does qualify as a prerequisite course for higher-level handgun courses, and is taught by a certified firearms instructor.​

Live Fire Range Components Includes:

  • Fundamentals of stance, grip, and sight picture
  • Practical tips on how to improve accuracy
  • Drawing from a holster and going on-target
  • Shooting from behind a barricade
  • Shooting in close quarters
  • Shooting long-distance
  • Shooting one-handed

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Event Details

Venue: Izaak Walton Shooting Range -OR- Albany Rifle and Pistol Club

Phone: 541-321-0651

Email: [email protected]

Student Liability Release Waiver

A Student Liability Release Waiver is required for this course.

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