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Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Training 201


Are you interested in becoming a fully trained Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member?  Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Basic Training is how you do that!  This custom course combines the 2012 and 2019 Basic CERT course curriculums developed by FEMA, with our own practical experience learned from responding to real disasters.   The result is a course that exceeds the FEMA CERT minimum training standard, and is designed to effectively train everyday people how to properly assist first responders during all-hazards incidents and disasters.  This course is perfect for anyone already involved in a CERT program, or want to start a new one, and desire a strong foundation of basic training.​

This course is taught by certified instructors

Typical course prerequisites (Program Specific):

  • ICS 100
  • ICS 200
  • ICS 700


PLEASE NOTE: This course requires a signed Liability Waiver


Approximate Length: 28 hrs
(Usually divided into three 8 hour days, with a 1 hour lunch break on each of these days, and an additional 4 hour day for the final drill)
*​Classes may run longer or shorter based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to class size.


Class Format
Please note this class comes in several formats, please pay attention to which format you are selecting when registering.

  • In-Person: The class is held in person at one of our training sites.
  • Blended: Students complete part online at their own pace, then come in for in-person Skills Sessions.
Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Basic Training is required for anyone wanting to become certified as a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member, but it is also appropriate as an introductory course for anyone looking to become involved with disaster response.  There are no specific prerequisites to the Basic Disaster Academy / CERT course, but many programs require members to complete ICS 100, 200 and 700.  Programs may also require that people formally join the CERT program before completing Basic Disaster Academy / CERT training, while other programs conduct the training as a community service with people having the option of joining the CERT program after completing the training.  Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Training is broken up into individual modules and taught in the order of operations during an actual emergency response effort.
The course takes a minimum of 28 hours to complete and 32 hours to administer (typically divided into three 8 hour days, with the drill on a fourth 8 hour day.  Each day features a 1 hour lunch break.  The student portion of the drill takes 4 1/2 hours.)  The training can take longer if modules are expanded to include issues related to local response, or optional modules such as communications or animals in disaster.  Students must attend the entire course in order to receive certification.  Modules can be arranged and taught individually or in groups to meet specific time needs.  The TSI CERT Instructor cadre is capable of delivering the entire Basic Disaster Academy / CERT training course, or delivering individual modules as needed or requested.
Class Format
Because the hands-on exercises are extremely critical to student learning, we offer this course in-person or blended as our standard format.Although TSI is capable of offering both the 2012 and 2019 FEMA CERT curriculums alone in their original formats (and virtually), we prefer to offer the training in the combined Basic Disaster Academy / CERT format in a classroom setting because it is the most comprehensive.  The original FEMA curriculums were designed to be general overviews, with the intention that local programs would add additional information pertinent to their specific program to the curriculum.  After many years of offering the stock FEMA curriculums we realized that by changing the order of the modules to match the order of operations during an actual emergency response, adding in additional key information, and combining the two curriculums together; students had better retention and came away from the course more competent with more confidence in their skills.  Please contact us if you would like to request a stock 2012 or 2019 Basic CERT course, or any of these courses in a virtual format.


See Course Information Pamphlet on the “Attachment” tab for more specific details about this course.

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Event Details

Start time: 10:00 a.m. PDT

End time: 06:00 p.m. PDT

Phone: 541-321-0651

Email: [email protected]

Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Information Pamphlet

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2019 CERT Participant Manual

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Student Liability Release Waiver

A student liability release waiver is required for this course.

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