Building Confidence Through High-Quality Training Since 2015

245 W. 6th Ave.

Junction City, OR

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(541) 321-0651

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Consulting Services

Active Shooter Training

Active shooter and workplace safety are two topics on everyone’s mind, and are an unfortunate reality of our modern times.  But they are not insurmountable, there are things you can do to prepare and keep your employees, your customers, and yourself safe.  We have over a decade of experience helping people, businesses, and organizations become more prepared to face these modern threats.  We can offer a wide range of services to help save lives and keep people safe.  We have worked with a wide range of clients from private security, to law enforcement, and private businesses; and can tailor a solution to your specific needs.  Some of the services we can offer include:

  • Active shooter / workplace safety training tailored to your specific organization’s needs.

  • Assistance with developing and implementing active shooter and workplace safety plans.

  • Solutions that can help keep people safe and save lives in case of an emergency.

  • Contact us for more information!
TSI Classroom full of students

​Have you ever sent employees to a training, and they came back saying the topics didn’t relate very well to their job or industry? Thankfully many of our classes feature flexible curriculum and can be added to or modified, some even include optional modules already pre-built for this purpose. We put a lot of effort into our classes to ensure they cover topics relevant to students and provide a quality level of training. Additionally, our experience allows us to create completely custom training programs and new curriculum that is specifically tailored to your needs. We can even combine classes together for a more comprehensive training experience. Setting up custom training is easy, and starts with a free consultation to determine your specific needs and desired goals for the training. Contact us today for more information about custom training options!

  • Training tailored to your specific organization’s needs.

  • Custom training solutions ranging from classroom focused, to hands-on workshops, and live drills.

  • Recurring training solutions to keep personnel sharp and up to speed on skills and qualifications.

  • Contact us for more information!
TSI Exercises

Our team comes from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds, including first responder agencies, non-profit disaster response organizations, and emergency medical services. Many of them served as training officers or were involved in the training processes and development in their home agencies. In addition to this, our company has worked with many agencies and been involved with planning, implementing, and supporting a variety of training drills and exercises. This knowledge, experience, and background enables us to provide useful insight into training program design and development. We offer a wide range of training services, with a focus on emergency situations and response, to best suit the needs of your company, group, or agency, including:

  • Drill / Exercise development, planning, and implementation; including the use and implementation of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).

  • Development and implementation of training programs, including polices, protocols, documentation, and best practices.

  • Development of unit/discipline specific training.

  • Law Enforcement/Emergency Medical/Disaster Response training.

  • Vetted roleplayers, actors, and moulage; including recruitment and management techniques. We also have roleplayers experienced with law enforcement training, including working with special teams like SWAT and Crisis Negotiation.

  • Training involving multi-agency coordination, and response; including developing MOU’s and how to partner and work with other local agencies.

  • Drill/Exercise support staff.

  • Contact us for more information!

Emergency Management Exercise

Effective mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery can mean the difference between life and death when responding to or dealing with emergency situations. Our team has decades of combined experience in the field of emergency management ranging from a variety of organizations and disciplines. Our breadth of knowledge spans from boots-on-the-ground responders all the way up to leadership and decision makers. We can apply this knowledge and experience to help both response agencies, and companies or groups looking to become more resilient in times of disaster and emergency. Some of the many services we can provide include:

  • FEMA Incident Command System (ICS) including design, training and implementation.

  • Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), including program creation and implementation, training, policies and best practices, training updates, and program enrichment.

  • Wilderness Search and Rescue, with a focus on the Pacific Northwest; including developing and implementing training programs and standards, certification requirements in the State of Oregon, program design and implementation, volunteer management, response training and safety, survival training, program development and enrichment, and more.

  • Creating an emergency response group or organization, including policy design, development, and implementation.

  • Managing emergencies, including business continuity, personal preparedness, and developing disaster/emergency plans.

  • Developing ham radio capability, including certification and training requirements.

  • Developing, identifying, and working with community resources such as COAD/VOAD groups, faith-based groups, professional and volunteer organizations.

  • Developing, writing, and exercising business and workplace emergency plans, continuity of operations plans, and business response / continuity plans.

  • Contact us for more information!
Fire Extinguisher Training

Developing a workplace safety or training plan can be a challenge and can result in asking many questions such as: “What kind of training do we need?”, “What needs to be in our worksite first-aid kits?”, “How frequently do we need to refresh or practice our training and safety plans?” Thankfully, we can help answer these questions and more. We offer consulting services that can help workplaces identify their needs in regards to on-site safety plans, first aid equipment, and employee training. We can also help setup ongoing training plans and event assist with exercises and drills of any size. Our training and recommendations are fully compliant with OSHA guidelines for occupational health and safety. Some of the specific things we can do include:

  • Developing general workplace safety plans.

  • Developing and implementing workplace training plans and program for employees.

  • Conducting drills and exercises, both large and small, to help familiarize employees with emergency procedures.

  • Provide training to employees in critical health and safety skills, like CPR and First Aid.

  • Helping to develop practices and training programs related to OSHA compliance.

  • Setting up ongoing training cycles to ensure your employees stay up to speed on their CPR and First Aid certifications.

  • Contact us for more information!

Security Services

Navigating the landscape of the modern security industry can be a challenge. Our team has years of experience working in and with security, ranging from line officers on patrol, up through leadership and management. This breadth of experience makes us uniquely qualified and knowledgeable about many different aspects of the security industry. We can provide a variety of services to meet the needs of your company or group, including:

  • DPSST Executive Manager consulting.

  • Starting a security company in Oregon.

  • Starting an event staff/crowd management company in Oregon.

  • Developing and implementing effective and relevant training programs for security officers.

  • Basic security officer training requirements, including basic DPSST certification, use of force, pepper spray training, handcuffing, professional standards, etc.

  • Developing and implementing company policies and procedures.

  • Developing and implementing plans for bomb threats, active shooter situations, medical emergencies, and disasters.

  • Limiting liability and increasing competency.

  • Contact us for more information!

Contact Us

Have a question or need more information?  Get in touch with us via phone, email, or use the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Phone: (541)-321-0651

​Email: [email protected]

​Contact us form:

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