Building Confidence Through High-Quality Training Since 2015

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Junction City, OR

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Active Shooter

In the modern age the phenomenon of active shooter / active threat incidents are becoming more and more commonplace while at the same time society is slow to adjust our practices to tackle this new threat. This is a recipe for a perfect storm, we need to be proactive in changing our approach to dealing with and preparing for the possibility of an active shooter incident. We have developed our Active Shooter curriculum’s to meet this need. Our courses are based on proven research as well as best practices from both Law Enforcement and the Security Industry. Geared towards business, organizations, church groups, and members of the public; our courses are setup to help train people how to survive active shooter incidents.

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Overview STOP THE BLEED is an innovative class that teaches the fundamentals of emergency bleeding control. Whether you work in a high-risk profession, or are just a member of the general public, knowing when to jump in and apply critical life-saving interventions may just save a life. Don't get caught unprepared, get STOP THE BLEED trained today!​

Active Shooter Survival Workshop 202

Overview The Active Shooter Survival Workshop combines the same core curriculum as Active Shooter Survival with practical exercises for an even more in-depth training experience. Students attending the course get to actually apply what they learn hands-on to further increase their awareness and ability to react. This class is perfect for anyone wanting a complete active shooter training package.


Active Shooter Survival 201

Overview Active Shooter Survival is designed to be a comprehensive overview class to help people prepare for and survive active shooter incidents. Based on real world statistics and tactics from law enforcement and the security industry, this class is perfect for anyone wanting to become more informed and better trained.​   For Online Instructor-Led Courses: Zoom Client for Meetings

Showing all 3 results


Overview STOP THE BLEED is an innovative class that teaches the fundamentals of emergency bleeding control. Whether you work in a high-risk profession, or are just a member of the general public, knowing when to jump in and apply critical life-saving interventions may just save a life. Don't get caught unprepared, get STOP THE BLEED trained today!​

Active Shooter Survival Workshop 202

Overview The Active Shooter Survival Workshop combines the same core curriculum as Active Shooter Survival with practical exercises for an even more in-depth training experience. Students attending the course get to actually apply what they learn hands-on to further increase their awareness and ability to react. This class is perfect for anyone wanting a complete active shooter training package.


Active Shooter Survival 201

Overview Active Shooter Survival is designed to be a comprehensive overview class to help people prepare for and survive active shooter incidents. Based on real world statistics and tactics from law enforcement and the security industry, this class is perfect for anyone wanting to become more informed and better trained.​   For Online Instructor-Led Courses: Zoom Client for Meetings

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