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Oregon LEOSA (HR 218) Annual Qualification 302


Are you a retired law enforcement officer in Oregon and need to maintain your annual qualification so you can keep carrying your firearm under LEOSA? The Oregon LEOSA Annual Qualification course is required every year for anyone certified as a retired law enforcement officer in Oregon (the certification itself must be issued by the agency the officer retired from).​  We use different ranges depending on the time of year and class size (see location information when signing up for the class). The ranges we use are approximately a 30 minute drive from our site in Junction City. Directions available upon request. The class begins at the range (See below for more information).

Required Equipment:​

  • Valid form of government issued photo ID
  • Signed Liability Waiver (see below)
  • Duty Handgun(s)
  • Quality Duty-Type Holster(s)
  • At Least Three Magazines (More if they hold less than 11 rounds)
  • Belt or Vest-Mounted Magazine Pouches for at least two Magazines
  • At Least 100 Rounds of Factory Ammunition for your Handgun
  • At least 1 dummy round (snap-cap) that will fit in your gun


Recommended Equipment:​

  • Kneepads (if you have trouble kneeling on the ground comfortably)
  • Body armor

PLEASE NOTE: This course requires a signed Liability Waiver


Approximate Length: 1.25 hrs
(Course is done entirely at the range)
*​Classes may run longer or shorter based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to class size.


Class Format

  • In Person: The class is held in person at one of our training sites.
  • You will be contacted prior to the day of the class with the range location, if it is not listed during signup.



On July 22, 2004, President George W. Bush signed into legislation a new federal law, which exempts law enforcement officers from state law prohibiting carrying concealed firearms. The law allows “qualified” law enforcement officers, current or retired, to carry a concealed firearm in any state without a concealed handgun permit.

HR 218 DOES NOT specifically supersede state laws regulating possession of firearms in public buildings such as courthouses and schools; the only application is to carrying concealed handguns. Therefore, a retired officer MAY NOT carry a concealed handgun in a public building, as prohibited in ORS 166.370.

Individuals who are retired law enforcement under Title 18 U.S.C, Chapter 44 section 926c must have in their possession, and provide to the instructor, a retired department ID issued to them by the agency they retired from in addition to a current Oregon Driver’s License. Upon successful completion of the qualification you will be issued a signed annual qualification certificate that is valid for one year.

Firearms must be a professional type firearm, either semi-auto or double action revolver. You must also have a holster and a magazine pouch in addition to 100 rounds of factory ammunition.

The skills covered in this class are:

  • Marksmanship qualification (SPQC-1)

Course requirements for current law enforcement officers:

  • Must have full arrest powers.
  • Must be authorized by your agency to carry a firearm.
  • Must not be the subject of any disciplinary action by your employing agency.
  • Must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Must not be prohibited by federal law from possessing a firearm.
  • Must be able to provide photo identification to verify current certification and employing agency.
  • Level 2 or Level 3 retention style duty holster preferred.
  • Three magazines for semi-automatics with a magazine pouch that holds at least two magazines, or;
  • Four speed loaders for revolvers with a magazine pouch that holds four speed loaders.
  • 100 rounds of factory new ammunition- ABSOLUTELY NO RELOADS.
  • Approved shooting safety glasses.
  • Hearing protection- muffs preferred.
  • Baseball style cap with a bill (protects your face from flying brass).
  • Dress comfortable for indoors and outdoors wear layered clothes during winter months for outdoor courses.
  • Sturdy outdoor type shoes/boots for gravel and grass. No sandals, flip flops or open toe shoes.

Course requirements for retired law enforcement officers:

  • Must have retired in good standing.
  • Prior to retirement had full arrest powers.
  • Must have 10 or more years of employment as a law enforcement officer; or
  • Retired due to a service connected disability.
  • Must have a non-forfeitable (vested) right to retirement benefits with employing agency.
  • During prior 12 months met state’s firearms qualifications.
  • Must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Must not be prohibited by federal law from possessing a firearm.
  • Must be able to provide photo identification to verify previous certification and employing agency.
  • A quality handgun in good working condition.
  • Level 2 or Level 3 retention style duty holster preferred.
  • Three magazines for semi-automatics with a magazine pouch that holds at least two magazines, or;
  • Four speed loaders for revolvers with a magazine pouch that holds four speed loaders.
  • 100 rounds of factory new ammunition- ABSOLUTELY NO RELOADS.
  • Approved shooting safety glasses.
  • Hearing protection- muffs preferred.
  • Baseball style cap with a bill (protects your face from flying brass).
  • Dress comfortable for indoors and outdoors wear layered clothes during winter months for outdoor courses.
  • Sturdy outdoor type shoes/boots for gravel and grass. No sandals, flip flops or open toe shoes.



Additional Information

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Event Details

Start time: 04:15 p.m. PDT

End time: 05:30 p.m. PDT

Venue: Izaak Walton Shooting Range -OR- Albany Rifle and Pistol Club

Phone: 541-321-0651

Email: [email protected]

Student Liability Release Waiver

A Student Liability Release Waiver is required for this course.

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HR218 Course of Fire

This document explains the Safe Gun Handling Test and Firearms Qualification course of fire that students are required to pass as part of this course.

Download / View

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