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CERT & Community Training

​CERT, which stands for Community Emergency Response Team, is a program created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to train everyday people how to help professional responders and their community in an emergency. The Training Solutions International CERT training program is intended to help CERT programs train CERT personnel, certify instructors, and provide consultation to programs just starting up and ones that are seeking advice or assistance. Our training programs are delivered at or above standards established by FEMA and the National Disaster and Emergency Management University (NDEMU). We have also taken the core concepts of the CERT program and adapted them to several other community-based applications to help communities and individuals become more prepared and resilient for emergency or disaster situations.

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CERT Program Manager 303

Overview Are you trying to start a new CERT program or wanting to learn more about how to run one?  CERT Program Manager is the course intended for senior leadership and decision makers within a CERT program.  The course covers managerial concepts related to CERT program administration, including developing training plans and managing volunteers.  This course is perfect for anyone looking to start a CERT program, or is already involved in leading one. This course is taught by certified instructors   Course Prerequisites: Sponsorship from a registered CERT program or agency. ICS 100 ICS 200 ICS 700 ICS 800 CERT Basic Training -or- IS 317 Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (For new programs) State Level Approval (State Specific)

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BDA / CERT Update & Refresher 301

Overview Is your CERT program in a rut?  Are you concerned that your training is becoming outdated and could be more effective overall?  This course was designed to counteract the natural decay of training and keep CERT programs refreshed with new ideas and new techniques.  The course includes updates to the CERT curriculum put out by FEMA, and features material and best practices straight from first responder playbooks that has been tailored specifically to the needs of CERT programs. This course is taught by certified instructors   Course Prerequisites: Basic CERT Course CERT TTT Course -or- CERT Program Manager Course

BDA / CERT Train-The-Trainer 205

Overview Are you interested in becoming a CERT instructor and training the next generation of CERTs?  CERT Train The Trainer (TTT) is the course for you!  The course covers teaching concepts, overviews of the Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Course modules and how to teach them, and features exercises intended to make instructors better and improve teaching skills. This course is taught by certified instructors Course Prerequisites: Sponsorship by a registered CERT program or agency. ICS 100 ICS 200 ICS 700 ICS 800 CERT Basic Training -or- IS 317 Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (For new programs) State Level Approval (State Specific)

Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Training 201

Overview Are you interested in becoming a fully trained Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member?  Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Basic Training is how you do that!  This custom course combines the 2012 and 2019 Basic CERT course curriculums developed by FEMA, with our own practical experience learned from responding to real disasters.   The result is a course that exceeds the FEMA CERT minimum training standard, and is designed to effectively train everyday people how to properly assist first responders during all-hazards incidents and disasters.  This course is perfect for anyone already involved in a CERT program, or want to start a new one, and desire a strong foundation of basic training.​ This course is taught by certified instructors Typical course prerequisites (Program Specific): ICS 100 ICS 200 ICS 700   PLEASE NOTE: This course requires a signed Liability Waiver

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CERT Program Manager 303

Overview Are you trying to start a new CERT program or wanting to learn more about how to run one?  CERT Program Manager is the course intended for senior leadership and decision makers within a CERT program.  The course covers managerial concepts related to CERT program administration, including developing training plans and managing volunteers.  This course is perfect for anyone looking to start a CERT program, or is already involved in leading one. This course is taught by certified instructors   Course Prerequisites: Sponsorship from a registered CERT program or agency. ICS 100 ICS 200 ICS 700 ICS 800 CERT Basic Training -or- IS 317 Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (For new programs) State Level Approval (State Specific)

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BDA / CERT Update & Refresher 301

Overview Is your CERT program in a rut?  Are you concerned that your training is becoming outdated and could be more effective overall?  This course was designed to counteract the natural decay of training and keep CERT programs refreshed with new ideas and new techniques.  The course includes updates to the CERT curriculum put out by FEMA, and features material and best practices straight from first responder playbooks that has been tailored specifically to the needs of CERT programs. This course is taught by certified instructors   Course Prerequisites: Basic CERT Course CERT TTT Course -or- CERT Program Manager Course

BDA / CERT Train-The-Trainer 205

Overview Are you interested in becoming a CERT instructor and training the next generation of CERTs?  CERT Train The Trainer (TTT) is the course for you!  The course covers teaching concepts, overviews of the Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Course modules and how to teach them, and features exercises intended to make instructors better and improve teaching skills. This course is taught by certified instructors Course Prerequisites: Sponsorship by a registered CERT program or agency. ICS 100 ICS 200 ICS 700 ICS 800 CERT Basic Training -or- IS 317 Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (For new programs) State Level Approval (State Specific)

Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Training 201

Overview Are you interested in becoming a fully trained Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member?  Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Basic Training is how you do that!  This custom course combines the 2012 and 2019 Basic CERT course curriculums developed by FEMA, with our own practical experience learned from responding to real disasters.   The result is a course that exceeds the FEMA CERT minimum training standard, and is designed to effectively train everyday people how to properly assist first responders during all-hazards incidents and disasters.  This course is perfect for anyone already involved in a CERT program, or want to start a new one, and desire a strong foundation of basic training.​ This course is taught by certified instructors Typical course prerequisites (Program Specific): ICS 100 ICS 200 ICS 700   PLEASE NOTE: This course requires a signed Liability Waiver

PLEASE NOTE: Some of our CERT Classes come in two formats, Basic and Enhanced. Basic is the 100% true to FEMA version with nothing added. Enhanced still has the core FEMA mandated content, but also has added information based on our experience to help students be informed and learn the skills more effectively. In our opinion, the Enhanced format is the best version of the class and that is the version we typically offer by default.  The cost is the same for both versions. Listed class times and related details are for the Enhanced classes (when applicable).

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