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BDA / CERT Train-The-Trainer 205


Are you interested in becoming a CERT instructor and training the next generation of CERTs?  CERT Train The Trainer (TTT) is the course for you!  The course covers teaching concepts, overviews of the Basic Disaster Academy / CERT Course modules and how to teach them, and features exercises intended to make instructors better and improve teaching skills.

This course is taught by certified instructors

Course Prerequisites:

  • Sponsorship by a registered CERT program or agency.
  • ICS 100
  • ICS 200
  • ICS 700
  • ICS 800
  • CERT Basic Training


  • IS 317 Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (For new programs)
  • State Level Approval (State Specific)


Approximate Length: 24 hrs
(Usually divided into three 8 hours days, with a 1 hour lunch break each day)
*​Classes may run longer or shorter based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to class size.


Class Format
Please note this class comes in several formats, please pay attention to which format you are selecting when registering.

  • In-Person: The class is held in person at one of our training sites.
  • Online Instructor-Led: Students complete part online at their own pace, then come in for in-person Skills Sessions.
BDA/CERT Train-The-Trainer (TTT) is the course required for anyone that wants to become certified as a CERT Instructor and teach the Basic Disaster Academy/CERT curriculum. The course is typically delivered over three days and contains topics such as course delivery, teaching skills, and preparation.  Students must attend the entire course in order to receive certification.  After successful completion of the course, students become CERT Instructors and are able to teach the TTT course at their home CERT program. TSI Maintains a cadre of Master Instructors capable of delivering the CERT TTT course. Please Note: This course by default covers the upgraded BDA/CERT curriculum, we also have the capability to offer it in it’s original format focusing solely on the FEMA CERT curriculum.
Course Purpose:
The purpose of this Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Train-the-Trainer
(T-T-T) course is to produce competent instructors for the CERT Basic Training course.

A competent CERT instructor:

  • Delivers the CERT Basic Training course accurately, conveying the messages and intent of the CERT Program (e.g., safety, teamwork, and place in overall community emergency operations plan).
  • Assures that participants achieve the objectives of the CERT Basic Training course.
  • Delivers training effectively and at an appropriate level, thus enabling participants to learn and correctly apply skill sets.
  • Creates a comfortable and managed learning environment.
  • Overall Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the CERT Basic Training course.
  • Demonstrate the ability to present an assigned portion of the course (teach-back).
  • Communicate the core values of the program.
  • Demonstrate classroom management techniques.
  • Demonstrate effective teaching techniques.
  • Model appropriate behavior as an instructor. In addition to the overall course objectives listed above, each unit has specific objectives.

Target Audience
The target audience for this course includes the following:

  • People who will serve as the course manager for the CERT Basic Training course. This course manager would have the authority to designate instructors to teach selected units.
  • People who will be CERT Basic Training course instructors in any capacity. Note: Individuals who conduct only one or two of the units may do so without taking the CERT T-T-T course. However, the CERT T-T-T course would give them a necessary overview of the CERT Basic Training course as well as improve their instructional skills.


See Course Information Pamphlet on the “Attachment” tab for more specific details about this course.

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Event Details

Start time: 10:00 a.m. PDT

End time: 06:00 p.m. PDT

Phone: 541-321-0651

Email: [email protected]

BDA / CERT TTT Information Pamphlet

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2019 CERT TTT Participant Manual

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